These data comprise the published and unpublished (supplementary materials) information related to the paper titled "Diverse Physiological and Physical Responses among Wild, Landrace and Elite Barley Varieties Point to Novel Breeding Opportunities". The data were collected in spring & summer 2016 at the KWS UK facility in Thriplow, and through the early part of 2017 at the University of Essex. The 2016 data comprise physiological measurements, anatomical measurements and harvest measurements of a diverse array of barleys. The 2017 measurements contain physiological data alone. The raw data are saved as .csv and .xlsx files. The data have been processed using the R software, and the R files to do so are enclosed. The output files relate to figures used in the publication and suppplementary material supporting the publication. The supplementary material includes a number of figures plus all the outcomes of the statistical tests used in the paper.