This dataset includes the transcripts of the interviews with 6 NOTAP activists. In the municipality of Melendugno, a small village in the Salento area situated in the south-eastern Puglia region of Italy, people are currently protesting against the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, commonly known as TAP, which is a state-authorized project that will bring natural gas from Azerbaijan to Italy (and, through it, to Europe) via Turkey, Greece and Albania. The pipeline is part of the Southern Gas Corridor, which is funded by the European Investment Bank (EIB). The research relied on face-to-face semi-structured interviews with six activists, including: three key members of the main social movements protesting against the TAP pipeline; one technical expert appointed by the municipality to oversee the construction of the pipeline; one lawyer member of the NOTAP ‘legal team’; and one mayor among those who have overtly supported the NOTAP protest. The interview transcripts have been anonymised not to allow for the identification of interviewees and of other people named by them during the interviews (their names have been anonymised as following: [XXXX]). Irrelevant or unclear parts in the interviews have been indicated in the text as following: [...]. The project also relied on the collection of #NOTAP tweets with embedded visual material via our ‘Listener’ tool from October 2018 until the end of June 2019 (N=22,790). For information on this dataset see