use "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\APEHR submission\APERH Revision\Amended\FederationRepData.dta" gen logdist = log(distance_km) gen logdensity = log(population_density) gen manuprimdiff = prop_manufacturing - prop_primary_industries gen clustvar = electno gen propfemale = 1 - prop_male gen propmigrant = 1 - prop_born_in_colony gen literacy = english_read_and_write_share gen popdens1 = 1 if population_density <1 replace popdens1 = 0 if popdens1==. gen popdens2 = 1 if population_density <2 replace popdens2 = 0 if popdens2==. gen propnative = prop_born_in_colony gen bweight = formal_ballots/formal_votes gen logboothdist = log(boothdist_km) gen borddist25 = 1 if closest_land_border<25 replace borddist25 = 0 if borddist25==. gen borddist50 = 1 if closest_land_border<50 replace borddist50 = 0 if borddist50==. gen borddist100 = 1 if closest_land_border<100 replace borddist100 = 0 if borddist100==. gen frontexp1 = decest - decsettl1 replace frontexp1 = 0 if frontexp1<0 gen frontexp2 = decest - decsettl2 replace frontexp2 = 0 if frontexp2<0 gen yes_proproll = support_prop*turnout *glm and OLS Table 4 *1898 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster electno)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table4", replace long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table4", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel reg support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], vce(cluster electno) outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table4", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1899 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster electno)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table4", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table4", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel reg support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], vce(cluster electno) outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table4", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *Frontier exp Table 5 *1898 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist frontexp2 if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table5", replace long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table5", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist popdens2 if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table5", append long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table5", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1899 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist frontexp2 if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table5", append long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table5", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist popdens2 if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table5", append long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table5", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *Table 6 Yes to electoral roll *1898 glm yes_proproll manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table6", replace long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table6", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel glm yes_proproll manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist frontexp2 if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table6", append long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table6", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1899 glm yes_proproll manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table6", long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table6", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel glm yes_proproll manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist frontexp2 if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table6", long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table6", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *Table 7. Turnout in regression [weights now added][frontier effect now added] *1898 glm support_prop turnout manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table7", replace long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table7", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel glm support_prop turnout manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist frontexp2 if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table7", long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table7", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1899 glm support_prop turnout manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table7", long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table7", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel glm support_prop turnout manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist frontexp2 if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table7", long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\table7", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *APPENDIX TABLES *Table A1 County level border and distance *1898 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative border_area logdist if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea1", replace long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea1", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel reg support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative border_area logdist if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], vce(cluster clustvar) outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea1", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1899 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative border_area logdist if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea1", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea1", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel reg support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative border_area logdist if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], vce(cluster clustvar) outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea1", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *Table A2 different border distances *1898 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist50 logdist if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", replace long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1899 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist50 logdist if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1898 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist25 logdist if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1899 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist25 logdist if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *Table A3 Frontier effects with popdens1 & frontexp1 *1898 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist frontexp1 if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", replace long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist popdens1 if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1899 glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist frontexp1 if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel glm support_prop manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist popdens1 if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], link(logit) family(binomial) vce(cluster clustvar)nolog eform outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", append long cttop(coefficient) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel mfx2, replace outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea2", long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel /* *Ref in ftn 34 1895 Turnout in IV regression *1898 ivreg2 support_prop (turnout = turnout95) manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist popdens2 if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], first savefirst cl(clustvar) est restore _ivreg2_turnout outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea3", cttop(first) replace long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel ivreg2 support_prop (turnout = turnout95) manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist popdens2 if year==1898 [aweight=bweight], first savefirst cl(clustvar) outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea3", cttop(second) append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel *1899 ivreg2 support_prop (turnout = turnout95) manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist popdens2 if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], first savefirst cl(clustvar) est restore _ivreg2_turnout outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea3", cttop(first) append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel ivreg2 support_prop (turnout = turnout95) manuprimdiff prop_catholics literacy propfemale propnative borddist100 logboothdist popdens2 if year==1899 [aweight=bweight], first savefirst cl(clustvar) outreg2 using "C:\Users\Tim Hatton\Documents\Assorted papers\Federation\Federation 2023\tablea3", cttop(second) append long cttop(mfx) se bdec(3) sdec(2) excel