def keeping_solutions(solved): """ :param solved: This is a solution of an equation with multiplicities :return: A list of all the solutions EXAMPLES: sol = solve(-a1^2*x^5 + a2*a3*x^5 + a2*x^4 == 0, x, multiplicities=True, solution_dict=True) keeping_solutions(solved) [a2/(a1^2 - a2*a3), 0] """ x = var('x') solutions = solved[0] sols = [] for solution in solutions: sols.append(solution[x]) return sols def keeping_multiplicities(solved): """ :param solved: This is a solution of an equation with multiplicities :return: A list of all the multiplicities EXAMPLES: sol = solve(-a1^2*x^5 + a2*a3*x^5 + a2*x^4 == 0, x, multiplicities=True, solution_dict=True) keeping_multiplicities(solved) [1,4] """ return solved[1] def minors_solutions_multiplicities(minors): """ :param minors: all the minors of specific dimension of a matrix :return: the solutions of all the minors and all the multiplicities for each solution """ solutions_minors = [] multiplicities_minors = [] for minor in minors: sol_minors = solve(minor == 0, x, multiplicities=True, solution_dict=True) # solves each minor equation solutions_minor = keeping_solutions(sol_minors) # keeps solutions multiplicities_minor = keeping_multiplicities(sol_minors) # keeps multiplicities solutions_minors.append(solutions_minor) multiplicities_minors.append(multiplicities_minor) return [solutions_minors, multiplicities_minors] def min_multiplicity_minors(test_sol, minor_sols, minor_mult): """ :param test_sol: the test solution, integer/ symbolic :param minor_sols: a list of all the minor solutions, of given dimension :param minor_mult: a list of all the multiplicities of the minor solutions, of given dimension :return: the minimum multiplicity of test_sol in minor_sols, if it exists, otherwise None """ mult_needed = [] for j in range(len(minor_sols)): if test_sol in minor_sols[j]: # checks that test_sol is a solution of the minor mult_needed.append(minor_mult[j][minor_sols[j].index(test_sol)]) # appends the multiplicity of test_sol # in the minor if mult_needed: return min(mult_needed) else: return None def sol_in_minors(test_sol, minor_sol_list, minor_list): """ :param test_sol: the test solution, integer/ symbolic :param minor_sol_list: a list of all the minor solutions, of given dimension :param minor_list: a list of all the minors, of given dimension :return: True or False if the solution belongs in every element of the solution list """ t = 0 d = 0 for i in range(len(minor_sol_list)): if minor_list[i] != 0: # we only consider minors that are non-zero t = t + 1 if test_sol in minor_sol_list[i]: # checks if the solution is a solution of the minor d = d + 1 return t == d def seg_symbol(mata, matb, n): """ :param mata: an nxn symmetric matrix :param matb: an nxn symmetric matrix :param n: the dimension of the square matrices :return: the Segre symbol of the pencil (mata, matb) EXAMPLES: F = Matrix([[1,0,0,0,0], [0,1, 0,0,0], [0, 0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,a2,a1], [0,0,0,a1,a3]]) G = Matrix([[0,0,0,0,0], [0,0, 0,0,0], [0, 0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,1]]) seg_symbol(F,G, 5) [1, (1, 1, 1, 1)] F = Matrix([[0,0, 0,a2], [0,0,a1,a3], [0,a1,a4,a5], [a2,a3,a5,a6] ]) G = Matrix([[0,0, 0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,b0,b1], [0,0,b1,b2] ]) seg_symbol(G,F, 4) [(2, 2)] """ segre_symbol = [] x = var('x') if mata.det() != 0: mat = x * mata + matb elif matb.det() != 0: mat = mata + x * matb else: print("Error") return None all_minors = [] for k in range(1, n): all_minors.append(mat.minors(n-k)) # generates all n-1 up to 1-minors of mat all_minors_sols = [] all_minors_muls = [] for m in range(len(all_minors)): sols_muls = minors_solutions_multiplicities(all_minors[m]) # solves the minor equations for each n-k minor all_minors_sols.append(sols_muls[0]) all_minors_muls.append(sols_muls[1]) solver = solve(mat.det() == 0, x, multiplicities=True, solution_dict=True) # solves determinant polynomial equation all_solutions = keeping_solutions(solver) all_multiplicities = keeping_multiplicities(solver) for i in range(len(all_multiplicities)): multiplicity = all_multiplicities[i] if multiplicity > 1: test_solution = all_solutions[i] print(test_solution) test_val = 0 for m in range(len(all_minors)): if sol_in_minors(test_solution, all_minors_sols[m], all_minors[m]): # tests if the solution # corresponding to the multiplicity is a solution of all the minors of a specific dimension test_val = test_val + 1 min_mults = [multiplicity] if test_val == len(all_minors): # if x is a solution for all minors gives segre decomposition (1,...,1) seg_dec = [1] * test_val segre_symbol.append(tuple(seg_dec)) elif test_val == 0: # if x is not a solution of all minors of a specific dimension gives segre # decomposition [multiplicity] segre_symbol.append(multiplicity) else: for m in range(test_val): min_mults.append(min_multiplicity_minors(test_solution, all_minors_sols[m], all_minors_muls[m])) seg_dec_unrefined = [min_mults[i] - min_mults[i + 1] for i in range(len(min_mults) - 1)] seg_dec = [x for x in seg_dec_unrefined if x > 0] # calculates the segre decomposition if sum(seg_dec) < multiplicity: seg_dec.append(min_mults[len(min_mults) - 1]) segre_symbol.append(tuple(seg_dec)) else: segre_symbol.append(1) # if not a multiple solution, gives 1 in segre symbol return segre_symbol # **************************************************************************** # Copyright (C) 2022 THEODOROS PAPAZACHARIOU # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ****************************************************************************